Meet Terry Purse PRESIDENT
I owned my first pug in 1975. He was purely a much loved pet called Griswold. His goggly eyes and sticking out tongue were not exactly what was required in the show ring. By 1978 we had acquired two very well bred bitches, one of which became the foundation of our Tidemill breeding and showing lines.
Always interested in dogs generally, we bought a Shar Pei from Germany and also showed King Charles Spaniels with a good degree of success, making up Champions. Pugs continued to be the ruling passion and in 1993 we made up a very pretty fawn bitch Champion Simos Delia Delights Tidemill. More Champions followed in both fawn and black.
I started judging in 1984 and awarded my first set of CCs at Southern Counties Championship Show in 1998. I awarded the Dog CC to Ffain Brodie of Brodie and the Bitch CC to Champion Eastonite Faith who was also Best of Breed.
My interest in pugs continues to this day and I am happy to own Teddy and Scarlet who are both veterans like myself!