Meet Heather Rutherford
As a family we always had dogs as both my mother and brother took part in competitive obedience. In 2004 we got a new boxer puppy with show potential and whilst accompanying my mother to ringcraft I meet a beautiful black pug and I knew that not only was this the dog for me it was also the hobby for me.
Convincing my parents was not that easy but after two years they gave in, and I got my first pup a black bitch called Stella. This dog truly changed my life, she was not a bigger winner but did gain her stud book number, qualified for the finals of the YKC obedience at Crufts and passed her gold good citizen award, she is still going strong at sixteen.
Stella was soon Joined by a fawn pug, and they started our breeding lines the fawn is the Great Grand Mother of our first home bred champion Ch Potbelli limited Edition JW.
I started Judging in 2018 and judge at open show level, I also enjoy stewarding.